
Attention All Time-Shifters!

If you ever miss the live on-air or online broadcasts of Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio, you can still enjoy the show on your own time.

To be notified immediately when a new podcast is available, subscribe to the RSS feeds.

Vancouver Edition
Nanaimo Edition

 * Special request to all Nash Holos loyal listeners:

These podcasts, like the radio broadcasts, are always available for you to enjoy free of charge.

So in return, please support the ongoing production of the show and ensure the podcast remains free to download. A few suggestions:

1. Make a donation.  No amount is too large or too small. (A big chom to those who have made a donation in the past.) If you can afford it, $60 a year, which is just $5 a month, would be a great help and very much appreciated.  The Donate button is just to your right.

2. Advertise on Nash Holos. If you have a business or special event coming up, advertise it on the show. It’s a great way to let your fellow listeners know about it! Getting to know each other better will only strengthen our community.

3. Shop Ukrainian. A cost-free way to support the show is to do your online shopping from the Nash Holos website. Just click on one of the featured items in the right or left column on the website, or click on the US or Canada store in the menu. Then, if you make a purchase, Amazon will direct a small commission to Nash Holos.

More and more Ukrainian authors, musicians, and artists are selling their products on Amazon. So if you buy them via the Nash Holos website, instead of via another website, you will be supporting Ukrainian artists as well as the show … at no additional cost to you.

Remember the old Ukrainian saying … Свій до свого! (Translation: Let’s support our own.)

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